Ok, I admit it sounds a little wierd at first. But the combination of very sharp cheddar melted over a thick sourdough slice, then covered with sweet maple syrup is heaven. Serve it with extra crisp bacon, fruit salad and fresh drip coffee.
Beat in a flat bowl:
Two eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbls milk
1/2 tsp cinammon
Slice your favorite crusty sourdough bread to about 3/4" thick. You can substitute other breads, but sourdough enhances the sweet and sour contrast.
Thouroughly dip bread in egg mixture on both sides.
Fry in hot non-stick pan coated with neutral tasting vegetable oil. When first side is brown, turn over. Add thin slices of Extra Sharp cheddar cheese to first cooked side and allow to melt. Lightly pepper with fresh ground pepper. Serve covered in real maple syrup or a favorite fruit preserve to taste. You don't need butter but you can if you must. Eat immediately, don't wait until all the plates come. It must be eaten hot before the cheese begins to get sticky.